These fact sheets provide the most up-to-date information about CJD and our organization’s mission.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at 1-800-659-1991.
This fact sheet provides information about CJD for the layperson. Questions answered here include: What is CJD? What are the Public Health Concerns? and What is Chronic Wasting Disease?
Included in this fact sheet is a description of the CJD Foundation, its mission, and its services. There is a basic explanation of CJD and diagnostic tests to provide a broader understanding.
This fact sheet provides information about CJD for the layperson. Questions answered here include: What is CJD? What are the Public Health Concerns? and What is Chronic Wasting Disease?
Included in this fact sheet is a description of the CJD Foundation, its mission, and its services. There is a basic explanation of CJD and diagnostic tests to provide a broader understanding.
This website was made possible by a generous donation from Cookie Stivison, in memory of her husband Tom Stivison, and a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.