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Raising funds helps support the mission and programs of the CJD Foundation.

Here’s how to get started.

  1. Review our guidelines to ensure that you are aware of potential needs or issues regarding your event/promotion and assist you in your efforts.
  2. Complete the Event Request Form and submit it to the CJD Foundation no less than 60 days prior to the proposed promotion or event start date before approval can be granted. If needed, special time accommodations to the 60-day period can be requested by contacting the CJDF at 800-659-1991 or
  3. Don’t forget that the CJD Foundation name, logo, or mission may not be used in any way without advance written approval from the CJD Foundation.

Take a look at popular fundraising events!

Host a Bake Sale

Since 2013, the Piriz family has raised more than $40,000 via the CJD Foundation’s Friendraising page, a large bake sale, a T-shirt sale, and their first Annual Family Fundraiser in August 2015. The familial prion disease, Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker disease (GSS), has taken the lives of two family members: Sonia, at the age of 61, and José, at the age of 36.

Host a Golf Outing

For several years, Ed Snively and his daughter, Nikki Bland, have hosted a Golf Outing in memory of their wife and mother, Marsha. What started as a small fundraiser in 2012 has grown to a multi-state event, with the launch of the inaugural West Virginia Memorial Golf Outing in 2016.

Comedy Night for a Cure

Megan McGill held a comedy night fundraiser in honor of her father, Raymond McGill, who passed away from CJD, and her brother, Timothy McGill, a Staff Sergeant in the Special Forces, who was killed in Afghanistan. The proceeds from this fundraiser were split between the CJD Foundation and the Green Beret Foundation.

Plan a Dinner-Dance

Linda Parrish, of Louisville, Ky., hosts an annual dinner-dance to honor the memory of her husband Clay and to raise funds for a research grant.

Fundraise on the Links

During the 7th Annual Nancy Schepis Mallon Golf Outing in 2016, participants raised more than $9,000 to support the CJD Foundation.

Run a Marathon

Joe Lozito ran the NY half-marathon and raised funds in honor of his sister, Lorraine Meys

Click below to read stories of other marathoners who have raised money for the Foundation in memory of/in honor of their loved ones.