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Join Us For CJD Advocacy Day in Washington, DC on March 3-4

Your voice is crucial in raising awareness of CJD and what needs to be done to make a difference! The CJD Foundation will set up meetings with your legislative representatives, and provide training on how to be an advocate, and connect you with an experienced advocate for your Capitol Hill visits.

Save the Date for the 2025 CJD Family Conference Taking Place July 11-13 in Chicago, IL

Each year the Family Conference gathers researchers, medical professionals and families in person. The weekend includes interaction the CJD community, informative talks, interactive roundtables, peer support groups, advocacy training, and more.

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) is a rare, fatal brain disorder within a group of illnesses called prion diseases.
In the United States there are nearly 500 new CJD cases per year.
The incidence of CJD cases worldwide is one to two cases, per million individuals, per year.

How we’re making a difference.

  • We provide a HelpLine - 7-days a week - to connect families with resources they need
  • We offer referrals, support groups, and webinars
  • We help educate families, caregivers, medical professionals, and funeral professionals
  • We hold an Annual Family Conference that brings together affected families and prion disease experts
  • We collaborate with scientists, clinicians, medical centers, health authorities, professional organizations, and international patient associations
  • We offer a Research Grant Program with international awardees selected by our Scientific Advisory Committee

We earned a 4-Star Rating from Charity Navigator!

Join us!

The 2025 CJD Foundation Family Conference will be held July 11-13 in Chicago, IL.

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Show your support for those affected by Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease and other prion diseases.