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Debbie Yobs

President and Executive Director

Morris Plains, New Jersey

Brian Appleby, M.D.

Medical Director

Director, National Prion Disease
Pathology Surveillance Center
Cleveland, Ohio

Peter Reusswig

Back to Quilt Dr. Peter Reusswig died of CJD on February 2, 2018 after being diagnosed on December 21, 2017. He faced his 42-day battle with courage and grace, and he used this time to spend valuable moments saying goodbye to his beloved family and friends. Pete was a devoted husband, father, brother and son. […]

Donna R. Simms

Back to Quilt Beloved wife, mother and friend Donna was a loving, dynamic, energetic and beautiful person who loved her family and life. Next to being an integral part of her children’s and grandchildren’s lives, she was most happy working in her yard and tending her flowers. Donna was a giving person, among the first […]